Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > meditaiton as open awareness > Page 6


Meditation & Spirit ~ where meditation is no more

Page 6

One experiences a quiet bliss, a nonemotive feeling more subtle than happiness, and this bliss permeates every area of life. Persons may notice, then, how calm such a one may be, wondering where this arises from even in difficult circumstances. Or persons may recognize a difference in complexion, as though the face now has a subtle glow, or shine. This bliss is, likewise, seen in the eyes. Persons may be confused about what makes this one different, unable to fathom the difference. They may be drawn to know what makes this difference. Also, some persons may be resistant to such a one, preferring the pride of egoic status and accomplishment to the humbleness of quiet being and blissful contentment. One may find this resistance most strong in apparently religious or spiritual groups, more so than in the society at large. The ego in egocentricity likes to hide out in the guise of spirituality and religion and does not welcome being exposed by a humble, loving being.

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In this openness of Love with Love, one knows this solace, applicable to all his or her life, is spontaneously flowing from Silence. This Silence is not merely the absence of sound, this Silence is Spirit. Now, he or she sees that resting quietly in this Silence is as important a gift to give the world as active means of help. Indeed, one sees that the best means of helping is to live from the Silence. And, possibly, some beings are called from the world of action in the outer world to devote his or her life mostly to this Quiet apart, as a living benediction to creation. If so, one is to embrace this divine summons and not wait for permission from others, including the more active posture of his or her faith or spiritual community. If one honors the call upon his or her life, that one trusts that Grace will provide in response to that fidelity in Love. So, while some are called to a more active life in Spirit, some are called to a less active life in Spirit, while both are equally living a sacred calling.

Spring ~ a springing forth of life anew

*Brian Wilcox. 'Spring ~ a springing forth of life anew'. Flickr

*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > meditaiton as open awareness > Page 6

©Brian Wilcox 2025